Address by Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, Honourable Vice President after releasing the Arabic Version of “Majma Ul-Bahrain” of Dara Shikoh in New Delhi on September 9, 2022.

New Delhi | September 9, 2022

Indeed, a pleasure to release the Arabic version of the book “Majma-ul-Bahrain” of Dara Shikoh, translated by Shri Amar Hasan amongst this august gathering today.
Grateful to ICCR for associating me with this program.
Best wishes and heartiest congratulations for excellent work to the translator, the publishers, ICCR and all others involved in bringing this book to a reality and opening up the celebrated work of the Mughal prince Dara Shikoh to Arabic-speaking audiences.
India had a glorious heritage of not only ‘tolerance’ for others’ views, but a unique culture of ‘engagement’ with all views – a culture of pluralism and syncretism.
It had been exemplified by Indian kings too – from the time of the great Asoka more than two millennia ago to the crown prince Dara Shikoh a few hundred years ago.
Dara Shikoh’s magnum opus Majma-ul-Bahrain (which means ‘Confluence of Two Oceans’) has helped in bringing stronger unity among the people of India. It remains ever relevant to not only India but to the entire humanity.
A genius, a skilled poet, and a Sanskrit scholar, Dara Shikoh studied Sufi and Vedic philosophies extensively.
He translated the Upanishads and other important works from Sanskrit to Persian. He was convinced that the Upanishads are what the Qur'an calls ‘Al-Kitab Al-Maknoun’ (The Hidden book).
Dara Shikoh was a torchbearer of social harmony.
We must revive his legacy and apply his spiritual thought to strengthen social cohesion in the present times.
Heartiest complement to Shri Amar Hasan for this magnanimous effort. The translation of Majma-ul-Bahrain into Arabic is a noble initiative that will bring our civilizations, which share ancient ties, even closer.
India has always believed in the philosophy of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’. We truly believe the world is one family. ‘Sarva Dharma Samabhav’ is the soul of India.
The Indian thought and way of life has much to offer to the world, as shown in the work of Dara Shikoh.
We can reflect on the treasure of knowledge from this ancient land and herald a time of global peace for humanity.
Pleased to have released this important translation today. My warm regards to Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, President, ICCR for his untiring efforts. Best regards to one and all.
Thank you, Namaskar.
Jai Bharat.