VP urges corporate leaders to handhold institutions to promote R&D in technology

New Delhi
January 15, 2024

Looking for a day when IMD can predict weather condition in Parliament for presiding officers- VP
Our technological progress is an important mechanism of soft diplomacy, says the Vice-President
Extending climate services to other countries strengthens regional resilience and reinforces India's commitment as a responsible global player- VP
IMD must embrace and utilise cutting-edge technology for the benefit of our nation, says VP
Vice-President addresses inaugural ceremony of 150th year celebrations of Indian Meteorological Department

The Vice-president of India, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar today made a clarion call to the corporate leaders to handhold institutions to promote research and development with focus on disruptive technologies. Drawing attention to the key role played by corporates in initiating and funding research in developed countries, the Vice-President emphasised on the need for leveraging disruptive technologies for disaster risk reduction & management.


Addressing the inaugural ceremony of celebrations marking 150 years of India Meteorological Department (IMD) at VigyanBhawan today, the Vice-President elaborated on the significance of IMD as “a safety net protecting India’s national interest”. Lauding the precision and accuracy of IMD’s forecasts, Shri Dhankharhumorously remarked, "I'm looking for a day when IMD can predict what will be the weather condition in the two Houses of Parliament for the presiding officers.”


Underlining The global influence of IMD, the Vice-President Stated that India’s neighbours also rely on IMD's expertise as evidenced during cyclone Mocha and by the praise extended by Bangladesh and Myanmar to India, in its aftermath.Highlighting technological progress as a key soft diplomacy tool, Shri Dhankharnotedhow economic and technological progress by a nation go on to define international relationships. “By extending our weather and climate services to our neighbours and other countries, we not only strengthen regional resilience but also reinforce India's commitment of being a responsible global player,", he added.


Acknowledging The affirmative role played by IMDin every facet of national life, “from farmers tilling the land to jawans guarding the borders”, the Vice-President made note of IMD’s contributions in domains as diverse as enhancing agricultural incomes, ensuring COVID management and facilitating successful organisation of G20 Summit. Shri Dhankharalso made note of the synergism between IMD and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), which is bolstering IMD’s position as “one of the front-line meteorological departments in the world.”


Highlighting the rising threat of climate change, Shri Dhankharstressed that IMD must remain at the forefront of disaster reduction,by harvesting technology through public private partnerships and research collaborations in order to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.The Vice-President also commended IMD's contribution to global safety and economic development through its role as Regional and Global Centres for weather and climate forecasting.


Affirming Bharat's prominent position among the nations advancing disruptive technologies,the Vice-President recognised the imperative of harnessing Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data to strengthen the capabilities of national institutions. “IMD has a crucial role to play in embracing and utilizing cutting-edge technology for the benefit of our nation,” he said. He further urged IMD to consistently adoptand integrate innovations in order to “solidify its position as a global leader.”

During the event, the Vice-President released the theme song of IMD. He also launched several other initiatives, including the Decision Support System, Panchayat MausamSeva, National Framework of Climate Services and the Mobile App of the department.

Union Minister for Earth Sciences, Shri KirenRijiju, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Dr. M Ravichandran, Director General, IMD, Dr. M. Mohapatra and other dignitaries were also present on the occasion.

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