Address(Excerpts) by Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, Honourable Vice President at the first convocation ceremony of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University, Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh on October 21, 2024.

Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh | October 21, 2024

Smt. Anandiben Patel, Hon’ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh, and chancellor of this university, Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University. The Governor exemplifies passionate commitment to education. She has brought about big change and I have seen one here, names and certificates and mark sheets all electronically uploaded.

She is very forward looking and handheld me when I was governor of West Bengal, when it came to the role of Chancellor. The Hon’ble Governor defines the role of chancellor with exemplification of highest virtuosity and commitment. She has been here twice and the state of Uttar Pradesh is lucky to have such an educationist, such a motivational, inspirational governor, particularly for the field of education.

When I stepped into the premises हमने सबसे पहले एक काम किया महामहिम राज्यपाल ने और मैने ‘मां के नाम एक पेड़’ और जब यहां आकर देखा how thoughtful it was, Vedic chanting related to environment.

हमें याद रखना पड़ेगा हमारे पास रहने के लिए पृथ्वी के अलावा कोई दूसरी जगह नहीं है इसी का सृजन करना पड़ेगा

I therefore appeal to every student, every member of the staff, member of the faculty, everyone present here इस premises के अंदर इस प्रांगण में मां के नाम पेड जरूर लगाए यहां देखा है मैंने सब ठीक उन्नति के ऊपर है पर यह पक्ष कमजोर है यह अति शीघ्र होना चाहिए climate change time bomb is ticking we have to act while there is a time.

Friends, it is an honour to be present at this convocation and for a very special reason. It is named after Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh, a patriot, national hero and freedom fighter. Another very fascinating aspect is being in Brijbhoomi is always spiritually rewarding. My congratulations to all the graduating students, medalists their proud parents also and more importantly, my greetings and congratulations to the members of the faculty.

My young friends, your high academic qualifications are an asset to the country. In whatever field you work, and the number of fields is now increasing day by day, you will be part of India's developing growth story. This story of Bharat is full of promises. The next 25 years are with immense potential which you all are required to exploit.

Friends, the most important component of our youth with high qualifications like you are our spinal strength.

Our national ambitions are well defined. Our national ambition is well set out and that is to be a developed nation, develop Bharat by 2047.

Young minds are the most vital stakeholders in this journey. You will define this journey, you will fuel this journey and you will make everyone proud. You are the future leaders, you are the creators of positive change, driving economic, technological and social progress.

Our national ambitions are well defined, our national ambition is well set out, and that is to be a developed nation, developed part at 2047. Young minds are the most vital stakeholders in this journey, you will define this journey, you will fuel this journey and we will make everyone proud. You are the future leaders, you are the creators of positive change, driving economic, technological, and social progress. You have to be the change you believe in. Don't be swept by the change. Bring about the change you want as per your aptitude and attitude.

Friends it is a testament present governance that this university has emerged so well in a such short time with the foundation stone being led by our visionary Prime Minister just 3 years ago.

This achievement alongside exemplary law and order, highways, infrastructure august well for its northward progress and rise.

it is a historical fact - Civilizations survive by institutions and ordering their heroes. Imagine in the field of education, Nalanda, Takshashila and many more global beacon of knowledge and education. This university establishment is a step in the right direction to befittingly immortalise Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh, a hero like others who ought to have been given space in our independence movement history, he should have occupied huge space. In 1915, he established first provisional Government of India in Kabul that was two decades before the Britishers could even imagine of the 1935 Government of India Act. It was a very great attempt. It was a thought to proclaim freedom, which we got later on and he had the good occasion to be a Member of Parliament. We thrive in an independent environment today because of sacrifices made by heroes like him.

These inspiring stories of such great heroes unfortunately have had so far brief or no mention in our textbooks. A painful aberration is the history of independence was manipulated with credit being denied to those undeterred.

It is our bounden ordainment to make aware our youth of our real heroes of freedom struggle. The next generation of historians should ensure that the sacrifice of multitude freedom fighters inspired this generation. It is soothing in recent times, vigorously we are celebrating all over the country our unsung heroes or well sung heroes.

Belated conferment of the highest civilian award to Bharat Ratan to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in 1990, to Chaudhary Charan Singh and Karpoori Thakur in 2023 are steps in the right direction. I was privileged on both the occasions to be in the theatre of parliament. In 1990 I was a union minister and now Vice-President, Chairman Rajya Sabha. I feel blessed but a cause of concern. Why it took us so long to recognise our heroes?

Similarly, very good developments have taken place recently. We celebrate 15th November Janjatiya Gaurav Divas to pay tributes to Bhagwan Birsa Munda on his birth anniversary. A great tribal freedom fighter, know about him. You will be enthused, motivated, inspired. In the prime of youth he went away but left indelible mark on our freedom movement struggle. The day is dedicated to the memory of brave tribal freedom fighters so that our coming generations and this generation know about their sacrifices, about this country.

Similarly, another great hero who was denied rightful space. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, gifted with indomitable spirit and selfless service to the nation. The government has decided to celebrate his birthday 23rd January every year as Prakram Diwas and rightly so. I was again privileged and honoured when the main function was held.

In Kolkata, I happened to be governor of the state of West Bengal. The honourable Prime Minister inaugurated this great day remembering one of the finest human beings, finest souls, visionary who laid down everything, all comforts to serve the nation.

Friends, our youth must always remember The fortitude these people exhibited in the face of grave adversity, this will infuse in all of you a fervour for nationalism.

“शहीदों की चिताओं पर जुड़ेंगे हर बरस मेले।
वतन पर मरनेवालों का यही बाक़ी निशाँ होगा॥

कभी वह दिन भी आएगा जब अपना राज देखेंगे।
जब अपनी ही ज़मीं होगी और अपना आसमाँ होगा॥“

यह आज चरितार्थ हो रहा है आजादी के लंबे समय बाद इसको हर पल महसूस किया जा रहा है हर दृष्टि से किया जा रहा है।

My young friends, I have adverted to some of such recent steps to remind you all that our commitment to nationalism should ever be unflinching and uppermost. राष्ट्र से ऊपर कुछ नहीं है। राष्ट्रवाद हमारा धर्म है, निजी हित या कोई भी हित हो राष्ट्रहित से ऊपर नहीं रख सकते यही हमारा संकल्प होना चाहिए, यही हमारी संस्कृति का निचोड़ है।

Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh was also a visionary educationist who foresaw the need for technical education establishing the Prem Mahavidyalaya.

Friends, history is proof of it. No country has excelled without being at the forefront of technological revolution. If we want to see Pax Indica becoming a reality, we must lead in technology.

We are living virtually in the fourth industrial revolution where information is key to all our activities, from agriculture to education to communication. Everything is around communication these days. Technology is a game-changer.

In our country, it has affected very fortunately, much-needed, transparent, accountable governance, ease of service delivery, and accomplishment of the last in the row, getting benefits.

As we march towards Viksit Bharat@2047, driven by a knowledge economy, our goal should be to create institutions of excellence, rivalling the best in the world. Because this country had institutions of global excellence and eminence, people from all over the planet swarmed to get enlightenment.

I appeal to industries and corporates to invest in India's educational ecosystem. Investment in education is investment in your present, investment in your future, investment for economic growth, investment for peace, investment for harmony.
This endeavour should be driven, now here is a word of caution by me. I can call it a caveat. We should never make education a commodity, we should never make education commerce. This endeavour, this enterprise, this spirit should not be driven by commodification and commercialisation of education but it should align with our traditional Gurukul system. गुरुकुल में क्या होता था कोई फीस नहीं होती थी, कोई रोक-टोक नहीं होती थी और यही कारण है कि भारत के संविधान निर्माता ने बहुत सोच समझकर जो 22 चित्र संविधान में रखे हैं आपसे अपील करूंगा उन चित्रों का आप अध्ययन कीजिए। आजकल सोशल मीडिया गूगल सब आपकी मदद करेगा उसमें जहां सिटीजनशिप है वहां गुरुकुल का चित्र है, शिक्षा को क्या इंपोर्टेंस दी गई है। They have to be crucibles of character formation, they have to inflame us with the spirit of commitment to our Bharat.

To those shaping curricula, those who are devising curricula, the members of the faculty, I urge you to make the National Education Policy a success. The honourable Governor and myself have been associated at various stages in the evolution of National Education Policy. Thousands of stakeholders' inputs have been considered. We have it after more than three decades, it presents a visionary roadmap for transforming our education system. It promotes multidisciplinary learning, skill development, innovation. It does not need a great emphasis on degrees. I want every teacher, every professor, every person associated with education to please go through National Education Policy. You can't implement it unless you understand it, you have to understand it with a mindset to implement it.

Our Bharat today, fortunately, and a great development for the world, is emerging as an intellectual powerhouse in terms of technology. My young friends, boys and girls, will know about it. We rank fifth in terms of patents filed. You know the importance of patents, you know its economic results. You can realise how it's a soft diplomatic weapon also and with a significant increase of 25% year-on-year growth, our annual growth in terms of filing patents is 25%.

In artificial intelligence, India with its dense human interaction and deep technological penetration is poised to lead data set creation. As a matter of fact, our digitisation, our technological penetration, utilisation for service delivery has been accoladed by global institutions, the World Bank, that India is a role model when it comes to service delivery by digitisation but India's accomplishments in six years are normally not attainable even in more than four decades.

Friends, we are entering the Amrit Kaal of technological revolution. That has to be driven by young minds, ignited minds like yours. Be the change makers, lead innovation, and find Indian solutions to Indian problems and make available also to the global fraternity.

To the graduating class of 2024, congratulations on your success. Be inspired by heroes like Radha Mahendra Pratap Singh, who placed national interest above everything else. Exploit the opportunities that new Bharat presents, use your education wisely and for greater good.
Friends, as you enter and step into the world, you will have challenges, you will have serious challenges, you might get some setbacks also all these are natural.

It will not be a dream entry for you, it will be fiercely competitive and it should be. Never fear failure. Any failure is a stepping stone to success, if you get a good idea in your mind, don't harbour it, act on it.

To the affiliated colleges and academics, my appeal is ensure your activities, prepare graduates for this emerging technological world. Imbibe in them a spirit of nationalism.

It is no good, you may be brilliant, you may be technologically genius, you may be admired but if your attachment to the nationalism is fragile,

'काट्यो काट्यो कपास हो जाए' कपास को जब काटते हैं तो धागा बनता है, तो थोड़ा भी मिस डायरेक्शन हो तो वापस कपास बन जाता है। Your efforts go in vain.

Friends, India, home to one-sixth of humanity, the oldest civilisation on the planet, with exponential economic surge. दुनिया का कोई भी देश 7.5% से 8%, GDP ग्रोथ के साथ आगे नहीं बढ़ रहा है।
आंखों से देख रहे हैं जिसका सपना लेते हुए भी डर लगता था मेरी उम्र के लोगों को। World class infrastructure of rail, road, connectivity, waterways, digitisation all over the country is happening in this nation.

It is time for our youth, now my special appeal to you, you are in silos. लगता है नौकरी सरकार की ही है लगता है नौकरियां कहां है थोड़ा सा देखोगे तो पता लगेगा की जो Basket of Opportunities है is enlarging.
एक जानकारी के अनुसार सिर्फ 10% छात्रों को ही पता है कि कहां संभावनाएं हैं, 90% को नहीं पता है। Please come out of the silos.

भारत को यदि अगर आज के दिन International Monetary Fund कह रहा है कि it's a land of opportunity, destination and investment, क्यों? नौकरी के लिए तो नहीं कह रहा। Make most of it, look around you will find your talent can be used in blue economy in the sea, in a space economy.

चाणक्य के शब्द बताता हूं आपको और चाणक्य का नाम आते ही चाणक्य का नाम लेते ही एक नई ऊर्जा अपने में आ जाती है जो चाणक्य का रोल करते हो वह कैसे बोलते हैं, लगता है चाणक्य कितना महान था। चाणक्य ने कहा था “Education is the best friend, an educated person is respected everywhere."
और स्वामी विवेकानंद जी ने कहा था "Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached." that you should never forget

To those who are outgoing, stepping out, the cohort and the current students, my very best wishes. You couldn't be more lucky with an ecosystem and the ecosystem is that you can fully exploit your talent and potential to realise your dreams and aspirations.

vTo those who have got degrees today, my one appeal, you are in a very distinguished category, you are the first alumni of this institution. You should take a place to be ever attached to this institution, be in connect with this institution, make annual contributions. Amount does not matter, financial contribution, quantum is immaterial, making financial contribution is all important. Do it. You will find over the years, this will grow like a balloon and help students in need. This will be a great service to the field of education and your institution.

अंत में एक बात कहूंगा आपको सदैव सचेत रहने के लिए एक सिख दे रहा हूं उसी को सदा याद रखना 'नायमात्मा बलहीनेन लभ्यः'

इसका अर्थ है अंग्रेजी में self realisation cannot be achieved by weak willed. हम रिलाइज करना चाहते हैं पर अगर weak willed हैं तो हम नहीं कर पाएंगे। so be strong willed, never be in fear of failure, never suffer from stress and tension because of the fear of failure. It is the earnestness and commitment in efforts that is all important and that was the lesson imparted by Lord Krishna to Arjun at Kurukshetra that should be guiding star for your future working.

I am honoured to deliver the first lecture, the first convocation address. It will ever be etched in my memory. It is an occasion for me to pay tribute to one of the greatest sons of this soil.