The ground impact of Mann Ki Baat is amazing, it's a great learning for young boys and girls, for politicians, for bureaucrats, for entrepreneurs and it dotes every part of this country. Mann Ki Baat concept is motivational, inspirational and highly informative.
I would urge every young person to seriously go into the earlier episodes of Mann Ki Baat, you'll find your knowledge level will go up. You will be stead to believe in nationalism. You will be fired by the zeal to always keep nation first.
Mann Ki Baat, when it was a concept, there was no realization of its impact. Now, people wait for Mann Ki Baat and Mann Ki Baat has gone beyond politics. It has become a platform to connect with the executive head of the country, who for the first time in 60 years has created history to be third term Prime Minister in continuation after Pandit Nehru.
Therefore I appeal to all of you, examine the information you have in Mann Ki Baat. Examine the inspirational quotes in Mann Ki Baat. Examine the people, historical figures whom we had forgotten. He rekindled in us an urge of nationalism to really worship our real heroes.
Shri Ashish Chauhan, National Organising Secretary ABVP, I have had the occasion to interact with Sunil Ambekar Ji before I became Governor, State of West Bengal, and I know their commitment, passion, mission and execution is all driven by only one facet, and facet is national welfare, inclusivity, togetherness promulgating brotherhood and sisterhood.
As a matter of fact, this reminds me of what Vivekananda Ji said at Chicago address.
A greatest message to the world at large at that point of time at a conference of Congress of Religions and India's rich heritage, inclusivity was declared there. I congratulate him but I would say, आपके लंबे चौड़े परिवार में आशीष जी उपराष्ट्रपति का परिवार भी जुड़ गया है और कुछ लोगों को, आप बच्चों को, हमें भी सौभाग्य दो कि हमारे साथ भी चार दिन बिताएं, and this can be a continous program every month.
As Chairman Rajya Sabha, I have developed a mechanism to train young people to handhold members of Parliament. I have a concept of teenage interns who for seven days have the occasion to keep their eyes open, ears open, mouth shut and see what I do and they look around and gain their way. It is heartening together from Muraleedharan ji, Republic Day and Independence Day. I would make a suggestion to both of you at two more days. We now have for last about a decade celebration of Constitution Day, 26th November, when India go to the Constitution, a very important milestone, make that day also the third day.
Then our constitution was challenged. Young boys and girls, you do not know, Indira Gandhi as a Prime Minister imposed emergency. The constitution was shut down, people had no fundamental rights. Lakhs of people were sent to jail, many of them have become Prime Ministers, they spent 18 months in jail.
The doors of judiciary were shut down, for you it is history, but imagine and look around what happened during that period and therefore, I urge both of them, V. Muraleedharan and Ashish Chauhan to add Samvidhan Hatya Divas of 25th June, 1975. Because unless you read history, unless you know the perils we have suffered, unless you know the dangers that are there. Therefore, we have to ensure how democratic roots go deep and democratic roots go deep only when people interact, people communicate, people have occasion to have expression with others and meaningful dialogue
This is a unique gathering of young boys and girls of 9 states, Meghalaya, Tripura, Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal, Mizoram, Manipur, Assam-Ashtalakshmi !
I have been to each of the states. I have seen your rich culture, cuisine, tribal traditions and the talent which is there. I have had the occasion to spend time both as governor the state of West Bengal because I was heading Eastern Zone Cultural Centre.
All these are absolutely amazing states, they are gold mine for tourism, they are treasure of culture, ethnicity, variety and imaginable on the planet. We must decide to travel East, receive people from the East.
That interaction has to take a very high level of interaction. I have had the occasion to invite artists and students from North-East to Upa-Rashtrapati Nivas.
In early 1990s, the government thought wisely, Look East but Prime Minister Modi has taken it to the next level ‘Act East’ and that ‘Act East’ is being conversed, furthered by Ashish Chauhan and his worthy team.
Rashtriya Ekatmata Yatra is not an expression, it is our tribute to those who made supreme sacrifice to gain freedom to us. It is our tribute to founding fathers of the Constitution who brought about this nation into existence. It is our tribute to Sardar Patel that he could integrate the princely states and this teaches us one thing, no matter what the challenges are, we will always keep nation first.
Our nationalism can never be compromised, no gain whatsoever can be a justifiable ground to overlook national interest. The spirit of nationalism should be 24x7 in us.
The nation for the first time is having an atmosphere of hope and possibility. No nation in the world has grown as fast as exponentially in economic terms, in infrastructure terms, in digitalisation terms, in technological penetration as Bharat. India today, the youth are bubbling with aspiration because they have tested everything is achievable.
When there will be celebration of Independence centenary at 2047, you will be in your prime, you will be driving the engine, you will be feeling the progress. It is your time, you are the greatest system, stakeholders.
I'm reminded what Vajpayee Ji said, mark what he says he was a great poet a great prime minister Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji. He was the first non-congress prime minister of this country, “निज हाथों में हँसते-हँसते, आग लगाकर जलना होगा, कदम मिलाकर चलना होगा|” Understand the meaning of it that you will face all trials and tribulations, but we'll be marching ahead in togetherness for our nation and we must march together.
Act East policy has done wonders.
● Airports have gone to 17 from , five states of North East are connected by air. There are three international airports.
● Digital connectivity, I gather 95% is by 4G so far.
● Road connectivity and efforts are for rail connectivity.
The number of visits the Prime Minister has made there is remarkable. All I am suggesting is, and through you to every Indian, there is no more attractive tourist destination in the world than the Northeast. We Indians, all of us in togetherness must make it a habit to travel east, tour east and contribute for development of the east.
The number of tourists going to the North-East every year is now over 1.25 crores, it's a great development.
India is changing and the world is changing because the world is recognizing India as a power. In 1990, when I was a minister, as Lok Sabha member and went to Jammu and Kashmir Srinagar not 20 people were on street, and mind you, for the last 2-3 years, more than two crore tourists are going to Jammu and Kashmir, look at the big change.
India in the world because of the seminal cultural contribution of the North East is a place unrivaled in the world. Let us share our thoughts, I commend to Mr. Chauhan, you must expand now not arithmetically but geometrically.