Text of Valedictory Remarks of Chairman (259th Session of Rajya Sabha)

New Delhi
April 6, 2023

“Hon'ble Members!

The 259th session of Rajya Sabha comes to a close today albeit on a note of concern.

Parliament is the watchdog of Democracy and people are our watchdog and supreme masters.

Our primary obligation is to serve them.

The hallowed precincts of the Parliament are for discussions and deliberations, debates and decisions for the holistic welfare of the people.

How ironical Disorder in Parliament is turning out to be the new Order- a new norm that decimates the essence of democracy.

How worrisome and alarming! Paramountcy  of debate, dialogue, deliberation and discussion in Parliament has yielded to  disruption and disturbance.

Weaponising of politics by stalling functioning of Parliament is pregnant with serious consequences for our polity. This is to the utter dislike of the people at large.  In public mind we as a class are subject of disdain and ridicule. 

We need to reflect our track record on the anvil- expectations of the people. 

Posterity will judge us not by the decibels generated in shouting slogans, but by our multifarious contributions towards strengthening the growth trajectory of our nation.

The productivity of the first part of the Budget Session was 56.3 per cent, while for the second part it plummeted to an abysmal 6.4 per cent. Cumulatively, the House productivity was only 24.4 per cent.

Disruptions claimed 103 Hours 30 Minutes of its time.

Let’s ponder over the dismal performance of the House and find a way out.

I express my deep sense of gratitude to the Hon'ble Deputy Chairman and the panel of Vice-Chairpersons and also like to thank the Secretary-General and his team of officials for their efforts in conducting the House.

I take this opportunity to extend my greetings to you and your family members on forthcoming festivals of Easter, Buddha Purnima, Id and other festivals.

Thank you. Jai Hind!”

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