Need to strike a delicate balance between development and environmental conservation – Vice President

Dehradun, Uttarakhand
October 27, 2023

“This planet is not ours, and we have to hand over it to future generations – Vice President
Climate change will affect all; it is far more critical and severe than the COVID challenge - VP
One country cannot find a solution to climate change; urgent need for convergence of countries – VP
VP praises National Green Hydrogen Mission and Amrit Sarovar Scheme as visionary initiatives
By turn of this decade, Bharat will be third largest global economy – VP
My visits to Gangotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath will ever remain etched in my memories- VP
VP addresses the valedictory ceremony of United Nations Forum on Forests- Country Led Initiative by India

The Vice President, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar today emphasised the need to strike a delicate balance between development and conservation, ensuring that our forests continue to thrive while meeting the development requirements of our citizens. Noting that forests are the lifeline of millions of our citizens, especially the tribal communities, he underscored that “conservation, though critical and crucial, cannot be isolated from the well-being of communities that rely on forest resources.”

Addressing the valedictory ceremony of United Nations Forum on Forests- Country Led Initiative by India at the Forest Research Institute in Dehradun today, the Vice President stated that this planet is not ours, and we have to hand it over to future generations. Stressing the need to nurture and preserve biodiversity, he said that we are merely trustees at the moment, and cannot afford to compromise our future generations with our reckless approach & exploitation of natural resources.

In his address, the Vice President highlighted that sustainable development and containing climate change are quintessential to a secure future. Cautioning that these challenges in a sense are existential, he said that it’ll be difficult to survive on the planet if development is not sustainable.

Noting that the climate challenge that we are facing will not affect an individual, rather it’ll affect the planet, Shri Dhankhar called for mustering all energy & all resources to find the solution. “Like COVID, which was a non-discriminatory challenge to every part of the globe, climate change is far more critical and severe than the COVID challenge,” he opined.

Describing the synergetic global stance as the only option for resolution of environmental challenges, VP said that “One country can not find a solution. There will have to be convergence of countries on a war footing to find a solution.”

Mentioning that forests provide a carbon sink that absorbs up 2.4 billion metric tons of carbon each year, the Vice President emphasised that we all need to realise that forests are a climate solution. “Our forests are not merely a resource but also encompass the cultural, spiritual and intellectual heritage of the country,” he added.

Stressing the need to ensure there is rejuvenation and nurturing of Village charagah and ponds that are essential to village life and cattle, Shri Dhankhar called for generating awareness among rural masses on these issues of vital importance. He also expressed happiness over the impactful implementation of the Amrit Sarovar scheme in Amrit Kaal.

Recognizing that Energy has become another method of weaponization in the global arena, Shri Dhankhar listed various steps taken by India towards clean energy generation. Expressing India’s commitment to clean energy, he stated that by 2030, half of our electricity will be generated from renewable sources.

Citing the National Green Hydrogen Mission as a visionary initiative, the Vice President noted that this offers avenues for employment, for entrepreneurs, and takes care of the challenges of climate change and environment.

Describing ‘Amrit kaal’ as ‘our Gaurav Kaal’, Shri Dhankhar said that the world is stunned at our phenomenal growth. “Overtaking UK and France, Bharat in 2022 became the fifth largest global economy. By turn of this decade-by 2030 Bharat will be the third largest global economy-this time getting Japan and Germany,” he asserted while noting that this brings great obligation on Bharat to tackle global issues that the world is facing.

Talking about the forest fires/wildfires, VP said that despite technological advancements, even developed countries are facing this problem. Calling for a multi-layered approach to address this problem, he listed technology, awareness generation and sustenance of forests in the right manner as some of the steps to mitigate wildfires.

The Vice President, who is on a two-day tour to Uttarakhand, earlier visited Gangotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath. Sharing his experience, he said, “Experienced divinity, sublimity, serenity and pristine environment ever since myself and my wife landed in Devbhumi yesterday.”

Stating that visits to Gangotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath will ever remain etched in their memories, VP said, “These divine places mark our civilizational ethos and essence. Availed the divine opportunity at these holy and revered places to seek peace and happiness for all living beings on the planet.”

Lt. Gen. Gurmit Singh, Governor of Uttarakhand, Shri Chandra Prakash Goyal, Director General of Forest, Ms. Juliette Biao Koudenouk po, Director, UNICEF, Shri Bivash Ranjan, Additional Director General of Forest, Shri Bharat Lal, Director General, ICFRE, and esteemed delegates from various countries and international organizations attended the event.

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